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The philosopher Gabrielle Halpern gives a lecture to the Riga Tech Girls network in Riga

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The philosopher Gabrielle Halpern was invited by the RigaTechGirls network which brings together women entrepreneurs from Latvia, for a conference around her philosophy of hybridization and its implications for rethinking entrepreneurship, innovation and development technological.

« Hibridizācija ir ideja izveidot tiltus starp šķietami tālām pasaulēm neatkarīgi no tā, vai tās ir starp paaudzēm, profesijām vai teritorijām. Apvienojot tos, mēs varam izcelt jaunas pasaules: jaunas profesijas, jaunas vietas, jaunas iztēles. Tas nav tikai jēdziens, tas ir sociāls projekts, kas man radās, reaģējot uz runām, kas pastāvīgi izceļ šķelšanos mūsu sabiedrībā. Manuprāt, konstruktīvāk ir domāt par veidiem, kā pārvarēt šīs šķelšanās, veicinot tikšanās un apmaiņu starp šīm atsevišķajām “pasaulēm” », Gabrielle Halpern

"Hybridization is the idea of ​​building bridges between worlds that are a priori distant, whether between generations, professions or territories. By bringing them together, we can make new worlds emerge: new professions, new places, new imaginations. It is not just a concept, it is a social project that came to me in reaction to the discourses that constantly highlight the divisions within our society. I think it is more constructive to think about ways to overcome these divisions by promoting meetings and exchanges between these separate "worlds"", Gabrielle Halpern

« What I do or do not do now is as important to all that is to come as the greatest event of the past: in this tremendous perspective of effect, all actions are equally large and small,” wrote the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. Describe your startup to me, I will tell you what your vision of society is! In a world that can seem hopeless, society legitimately has a lot of expectations of entrepreneurs ! For me, the role of the entrepreneur today, in view of the contradictory injunctions and the fractures of our society, is that of hybridizing worlds, of bringing together professions, sectors, generations, territories between which artificial borders and absurd have been erected. The crisis we are going through is not primarily economic, financial, social, ecological, institutional, territorial or political, what we are experiencing is above all a crisis of our relationship to reality; . Our flight towards the virtual world is one of the symptoms... Today, it is the responsibility of entrepreneurs to participate in our reconciliation with reality. Aristotle defined the role of politics as that of “creating friendship between the members of the City”. It’s also that of entrepreneurs, it’s the role of each of us.”, Gabrielle Halpern

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