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Gabrielle Halpern News
May 11, 20215 min read
Hybridisation: "building bridges between generations, sectors, places or even uses"
My book is an invitation to come to terms with reality, thanks to this hybrid thought.
May 7, 20212 min read
BE SMART: Culture will save the economy!
It is when it is accessible to the greatest number that art becomes sacred...
May 5, 20213 min read
L’Opinion : Hybridisation, the new challenge for companies
The treasure is not big data, but link data!
May 5, 20212 min read
Radio RCJ: Don't hesitate to have two souls, three souls, a thousand souls!
"I am a centaur," that phrase, the one who said it, was Primo Levi.
May 5, 20213 min read
Let us hybridize retirement homes!
By categorizing populations, public and private decision-makers prevent themselves from thinking a true generational hybridization!
May 5, 20214 min read
FORBES MAGAZINE - "The hybrid company isn't afraid to mix things up!"
Let's mix retirement homes, coworking services and start-up incubators!
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